Blended Learning Experience: Part 6 12 May 2020

From our Meguro kinder students to our Grade 12s nearing graduation, our students and teachers are adapting quite well to our E-Learning experience. Below our some highlights from the past week.

Grade G2: Maths

During their “screen free” studies recently grade 2 students spent some time making their own fraction manipulative, during this process they developed an understanding of parts of a whole

Grade 1: Daily news

One of our grade 1 teachers asked students for updates on their lives at home which would be incorporated in a morning news broadcast video! Giving students a chance to share how there daily lives were going with their classmates.

Grade 7: Art

The Grade 7s have just started their final unit of the year; Arts and Well-being. They have started exploring how the Arts can help sustain our well-being during a time of crisis. Students are engaging in creative activities aimed at improving their well-being and the well-being of those around them! They are writing in a mindfulness journal everyday and also exploring how the Arts are helping people cope around the world in this difficult time.

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