- 当社は、すべての事業で取扱う個人情報(特定個人情報等を含む)及び従業員等の個人情報(特定個人情報等を含む)の取扱いに関し、個人情報の取扱いに関する法令、国が定める指針その他の規範を遵守いたします。
- 当社は、個人情報の取得、利用にあたっては、その利用目的を特定することとし、特定された利用目的の達成に必要な範囲を超えた個人情報の取扱い(目的外利用)はいたしません。また、目的外利用を行わないために、適切な管理措置を講じます。
- 当社は、ご本人の同意を得ている場合や法令にもとづく場合等を除き、取得した個人情報を第三者に提供することはいたしません。
- 当社は、個人情報の取扱いに関する苦情および相談を受けた場合は、その内容について迅速に事実関係等を調査し、合理的な期間内に誠意をもって対応いたします。
- 当社は、取得した個人情報を適切に管理するため、組織的・人的・物理的・技術的な安全対策措置を講じ、個人情報の漏えい、滅失またはき損の防止および是正に取り組みます。
- 当社は、社会情勢・環境の変化を踏まえて、継続的に個人情報保護マネジメントシステムを見直し、個人情報保護への取り組みを改善していきます。
代表取締役 柴田巌
Aoba-Japan International School
Privacy Policy
This is a translated copy of the original, Japanese language Privacy Policy above.
Our school recognizes the importance of personal data privacy and protection. As an education organisation, we take our duty to protect the personal data and privacy of our school community members very seriously. With the goal of ensuring the protection and privacy of all user data Aoba-Japan International School therefore sets forth and enforces the following data protection measures.
Privacy Policy
- When our school deals with customer personal data (including personally identifying data) and employee personal data (including personally identifying data) we observe relevant laws and ordinances regarding the handling of said personal data.
- When collecting and using personal data, our school will first identify the use purpose of said data and will never use that data for any purpose outside of that which was originally intended. In addition, we take appropriate internal management measures in order to ensure that personal data is never used for any purpose outside that originally intended at the time of collection.
- Our school does not provide personal information collected from members of the school community to third parties, except in cases where we have the explicit consent of the individual or where it is permitted and/or required in accordance with Japanese laws and regulations.
- When our school receives questions, concerns, or complaints concerning the handling of personal data, we promptly investigate the facts and respond in good faith within a reasonable period of time.
- In order to properly manage collected personal data, our school carries out systemic, human, physical, and technical safeguarding measures. We also proactively work to prevent the leakage, loss or damage of personal data.
- Based on changing legal, social, technical, business, and education conditions, our school continuously reviews our personal data protection management procedures in order to improve them.