Class of 2022 Graduation


This week our Seniors graduated. Years of focus, energy, and hardwork culminated into a beautiful sunny day where these young grads were able to be honored and celebrate with their families, teachers, and fellow students.

This was a particularly unique and diverse graduating class, not only with students from all over the globe but also with personalities, passions, and styles that all blended together to make something truly great. They learned from each other and leaned on one another, growing together.

Amongst the class we had students who had been at Aoba since Kindergarten, students who had been here for only a year ande everything inbetween. All leaving a strong impression on the school community.

This was the first Class to graduate from our new Bunkyo Senior School Campus. In many ways they have both blazed a new trail by making the campus their own. As well as setting the bar for the graduating classes to come.

We are confident this class is going to go on to live full lives, pursuing their passions as they move on to great universities including University of Chicago, University of Tokyo, Waseda University, Keio University, University College London, UC Davis and Tokyo International University.

Congratulation Aoba Class of 2022!

We are accepting applications