Food Service
Hikarigaoka campus is equipped with a full-service kitchen and cafeteria. Ceasar’s Kitchen staff cook and serve hot nutritious meals for Kinder to G9 students. Meguro and Bunkyo campuses are catered for by offsite caterers that deliver fresh lunches daily.
The lunch program is an optional service at all campuses; all students are welcome to bring their own lunch from home.
The most important considerations are quality and variety, and we ensure that the menu is fitting to the mission and demographics of an international school. The food is great!
Recognizing Differences
At Aoba, success and diversity are core to our mission…which is also clearly evident in the food we serve. Our population is diverse, and often our students represent cultures and/or religions that prohibit particular foods. We accommodate this by ensuring that for every meal served there is an alternative meal that takes into consideration the food restrictions of that smaller group of students.
No Nuts!
Aoba is committed to offering a safe environment to students with food allergies. Some of our students are not old enough to make sound decisions when it comes to what should go into their mouths and are less able to manage their allergies. As a result, our kitchen is nut free. Further to that, products containing nuts are not stocked in our on-campus vending machines. For those students who bring their own lunches daily, we ask that no peanuts or tree nuts be brought into our school. The sacrifice of not having nuts or nut products in the school is a small one to make compared to the consequences a child with severe allergies could face. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us anytime.
Aoba Uses Cezars Kitchen K.K.
Since their beginning, Cezars Kitchen has been serving hundreds of thousands of Japanese and foreign customers. The Cezars brand is widely known and respected as a leader in food service in the international community. They pride themselves on treating their guests with outstanding customer care while serving the best possible products available.
Food for Education at Aoba
Cezars fully believes that food has a direct relationship to the quality of a child’s education. Their team is committed to providing food and services that strengthen the body and mind, while promoting lifelong healthy eating habits. Their international approach fills a very specialized niche in Japan. We work with Aoba to provide nutritious, fresh food from all over the world. We manage a food service program that fits the school’s mission and culture.